Highlighting the Heart Behind Our Business

At the heart of every successful business are the people who make it run (and fun). Our employees are the driving force behind the quality service we provide our clients, and their hard work and dedication are often the key to our success. While we curate expert commentary, opinion, and thought leadership on this blog, we also want to use it to share good news and shout outs, so we created an ongoing series to showcase some of our fabulous team members. Today, we’d like you to meet closer Angela Durham.

Angela has been with Cook & James since May of 2021 and has quickly become an integral part of the C&J family. In her role, Angela is responsible for preparing all of the settlement statements and closing disclosures, and works closely with lenders on getting final numbers to all parties involved. Angela also uses her detailed eye to review all contracts, invoices, and other important documents to make sure that all fees are correctly reflected on the statements. The devil is in the details and no one lives out this C&J canon quite like our closers! 

When asked about her favorite aspect of the job, Angela said that she really loves helping clients with their questions and making sure they have the best experience possible on their big day. “It’s an exciting time for buyers and sellers and I am there to answer any questions that they may have,” said Angela; she truly cares about each and every C&J client and knows how important this process is in their lives. Angela feels honored to be a part of it!

Angela absolutely adores her work family and feels that she works alongside some of the very best people. At C&J, we are a real family who count and depend on each other through all of life’s challenges. In fact, when asked to describe Angela, the words: loyal, witty, and dependable are at the top of our list. She leads by example, has open communication with all of her coworkers, and showcases her integrity at every turn.

Angela said that since starting with C&J, she has never felt underappreciated or that her contribution wasn’t important. Angela feels very proud of the firm’s growth and the strong friendships she has made along the way. She often reflects fondly on a memory she has with Attorney Sarah Stitgen, where Angela arrived to work on a particularly cold winter day wearing what she believed to be just a normal long-sleeve thermal shirt that Sarah quickly and publicly determined was “long-john underwear for a little boy.” They shared a good laugh, but that did not stop Angela from wearing it to the office again. 

When she is not analyzing documents or cracking jokes with co-workers, Angela is at home in Kennesaw with her five-year-old son, who is always keeping her on her toes! When they are not playing around inside, they are exploring nature with their two dogs, and cat. Angela is a loyal employee, loving mom, and caring friend to all of those who love her, and the team at C&J is grateful to have her.